I’m under 13 and need advice

If you’re under 13 and would like help or advice on any sexual health issue, there are people who can support you. You’re always welcome at any NHS sexual health service. We’re not here to judge anyone, we're here to listen and support.

Getting help and advice

There’s lots of information on this website but the best way to get the help you need is to come in and speak to someone. You can book yourself online now, call one of our services or come into one of our clinics.

If you have been forced or tricked into taking part in any kind of sexual activity with an adult or another young person (including online):

  • It is not okay
  • It is never your fault
  • You are not alone

There are always people who can help you. You can call Childline anytime for free on 0800 1111 or use their online 121 chat service. You can talk to Childline about anything that’s worrying you. No matter how big or small that is. Whatever has happened, it’s better to tell someone.

  • If you feel unsafe, need urgent medical help, or are feeling suicidal, please call emergency services on 999
  • For medical advice, call NHS 111 on 111
  • Visit the Childline website for more information on how they can support you
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